How To Get Rid Of Wrinkles Under Eyes Effectively?

How To Get Rid Of Wrinkles Under Eyes Effectively?

Numbskin on 2018 Dec 6th

When it comes to one of the most crucial facial features, your eyes are said to be the windows to your soul. While people can tell a lot about you by looking into their eyes, these are said to be an  indicator for your health sate. For instance, if these are yellow it can be a sign of jaundice or some liver-related illness. Similarly, if your eyes are red or pink, it indicates toward an irritation.

Woman face before and after cosmetic procedure

Besides, the iris and sclera, part of your eye structure, there is something more which can be a reason for your worry. It is about the skin around your eyes, which is the most neglected part of the face usually. Yes, people are highly concerned about acne scars, wrinkles, and lines on the forehead. But hardly anyone pays attention to the skin around the eyes.

In fact, most of the skin care products available, like toners and facial washes, serve to be a threat to the eye area. You might have read the label of the products, stating “Avoid the eye area”. So if you have recently spotted emergence of wrinkles under eyes, you must start working on this section.

If you really want some excellent results, here are two most effective solutions. Have a look:

Clear Away Eye Wrinkles with Microneedling:

Being a process which involves percutaneous collagen induction, it makes use of miniscule needles penetrating through your skin surface under the eyes. Now these small punctures formed serve to be a controlled injury. This further stimulates the body to initiate the natural repairing process. Simply, new skin cells are generated that leads to eradication of dullness and darkness. And as the old skin cells peel off, the new skin cells will take their place. So you skin under the eye will appear healthier and firm.

How long the process takes?

Though you can feel changes just after the first session, but it can take 4 to 6 sessions for visible results to appear. Number of sessions can vary according to the requirement of the patient. So as per the sessions, the period of treatment can be anywhere from 3 to 6 months. Reason being the new collagen formation process will take place over a period of 10 to 14 days.

Pro tip: While it can be done at home, but it is safer let a medical practitioner handle your skin for this treatment to avoid damage.

Trust Botox Shots for Wrinkles Under the Eyes:

You already know that Botox injections are used worldwide to decrease the appearance of wrinkles. But do you know it can be used to treat wrinkle under eyes? Botox consists of three main ingredients:

  • Botulinum toxin type A
  • Sodium chloride
  • Human albumin

Among these, botulinum toxin A is the active ingredient which is most essential for treating wrinkles. Now when inserted into your skin, it blocks the nerve impulses which causes particular muscle to contract. After this, the muscles will not be able to move, which reduces the appearance of wrinkles. The good thing about the process is that it can be used for reducing wrinkles all across your face. From clearing lines on the forehead to crow's feet, it works ideally.

Lastly, there is one thing common between both the methods. These will be little painful. As the skin around your eyes is sensitive, it could be more hurtful. For this, it is recommended to use a topical anesthetic cream like NumbSkin. Having 5% lidocaine it is one of the  best numbing creams available. Just apply 45 minutes before your session starts, and it will block the pain signals for next three to four hours. Hence, you don’t need to bear pain anymore.